music and neuro-disability
There is strong and growing evidence that music can benefit someone living with a brain injury following trauma or a stroke, or a neuro-disability like Parkinson’s Disease. Music is a unique activity in that you need to use every part of your brain to engage with it. This means that for someone with a brain injury or disability where some parts of their brain may not function well any more there is still an opportunity to make connections through music.
How we can help
In our Neurotones Choir we use singing to encourage more effective social interaction, improve communication or explore alternative ways to communicate through music. Attending the sessions helps to build the confidence of participants and we also offer support to carers. We provide the sessions in partnership with the neuro-rehab speech & language therapy team at Cambridgeshire Community Service NHS Trust, The Stroke Association and Parkinson's UK.
At the moment our Neurotones Choir is only available in Leighton Buzzard but we’re hoping to expand our support to other communities.To access the choir please complete the referral form below: