Viewing entries tagged
Music Therapy

Music24 celebrates Volunteers' Week 2021


Music24 celebrates Volunteers' Week 2021

At Music24, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do without the support and dedication of our team of volunteers. Here, Teela, our CEO, hosts an interview with three volunteers - Paula, Jackie and Brian, and they discuss what it is to be a volunteer and how it helps both the charity and themselves to achieve great things.


Music24 release our Dementia Playlist for #DAW2019


Music24 release our Dementia Playlist for #DAW2019

Here at Music24, we realise the importance of accessing music in our day-to-day lives. Everybody has their own ‘Life’s Playlist’. Whether you use music to chill out to, motivate you to workout or to party to at the weekend, everybody should has a playlist.

For Dementia Action Week, one of our actions is to release our playlist: Music24 Dementia Playlist Songbook 1:

These are by far the most popular songs requested and played in our music therapy sessions. We may add a few or take out the odd one, but this book has been going strong since day one. Our book is bursting at the seams and contains an enormous variety of different genres and styles, ones that hold great meaning and likewise some that are just plain fun… all packed into one book! We cater to an age range of 55 - 90 so there’s hopefully something in there for everyone.

If you’d like to create a playlist, we’d highly recommend Playlist For Life. Support in creating your own playlist can be found here:

Happy DAW2019! Listen and learn from one another’s experience, always. You are the experts in looking after your loved ones. The journey in dementia can be difficult but music is one way that can help. Use it if you can and everyday if possible!


Big Gig Night on the L&D Wards MHAW16

Big Gig Night on the L&D Wards MHAW16

Music24 is pleased to announce that we have been invited to put on a Gig Night next Thursday (12th May) at the Robin Pinto Gym, Calnwood Road, Luton.. The night will feature our very own Tuesday's Garden and offer information on local Mental Health services across Luton & Bedfordshire. Food will be provided.

This is brought to you in partnership with ELFT. Follow link for more details: