Preparations for Music24’s Birthday Party/Fundraising event on Saturday 22nd April are well underway!  It’s officially our 3rd Birthday on the 15th April, but due to the Easter holiday we have decided to have the party on the 22ndApril at the L&D Hospital Social Club.


The bands are booked, including: StarSeedz, Supersonic, Bates and Wells and if we are lucky Teela, Graeme and the team will give us a tune or two as well!! ;)   We have raffle tickets on sale for £2 each and we have received some absolutely marvellous prizes!  We received a Samsung tablet, £100 Jamie’s Italian gift voucher, Woburn Safari Park family ticket and many many more… It’s unfortunate to say I am also being sold off to do guitar Lessons as a raffle prize! 

We will also be auctioning, via Ebay, a signed and authenticated Amir Khan boxing glove, we’re wishing him all the best for his fight on 23rd April and hoping this will create a bit of interest in the sale.

Ticket sales have started, these can be bought in advance by contacting the Music24 team or through our Facebook Event Page; the prices are £5 for concessions or £8 standard price. Tickets can also be bought in our online shop or on the door but we recommend buying them in advance to prevent any disappointment. 

All that’s left to do now is to buy and prepare the food, but we’ll tackle that next week! Hope you all have a lovely Easter break and look forward to seeing you on the 22nd April for the PARTY!!!

Take care,

Ashley Knight, Music24

On the search for Trustees...

On the search for Trustees...

Trustees Needed:

Over the last 3 years, Music24 has grown at a very fast rate and we are now ready for our next phase of development. We are therefore looking for trustees to work with us and help to deliver a variety of programs aimed at benefiting those who are most vulnerable and socially isolated in our community.

Ideally we are looking for somebody with a proven financial background and a passion to help people living with Mental Health Conditions, Dementia and Learning disabilities.

If you are interested then please contact Teela Hughes by emailing teela@music24.org.uk or calling 07521 248091. 

Dunstable Rock Choir Rocks!!

Dunstable Rock Choir Rocks!!

As Teela put it, sometimes its not what you know, its who you know, and on the evening of 29th November that was proved brilliantly. Music24 were lucky enough to have a fundraising event held in their honour by Dunstable Rock Choir, that Millie sings with. The Rock Choir put on a show at the end of every term and choose a local charity to support so Millie suggested to her choir leader, the wonderful Pippa Gearing, that they pick Music24 for this show. Having worked with Music24 for 6 months now, Millie has first hand experience of how incredible the work they do is and how much life changing support they give to their clients, so it was an easy decision to make to nominate them to fundraise for.

Choir members brought with them their families and friends to watch the show and support the charity and there was an enormous raffle which people donated extremely generously to. Many, many tickets were sold and then the choir kicked off the show in true Rock Choir style with an upbeat classic Queen song. We went on to hear songs by Billy Joel and The Beatles, plus the more recent tracks of Beyonce and Jess Glynn, and many more. Teela did an excellent, heart warming talk about Music24 and what they provide for the community which moved the audience so much that we had another rush to the donations tin and raffle stand. 

The atmosphere during the whole performance was uplifting but to make sure the show ended on an absolute high, Pippa had the choir go into the audience and encourage people to get up and dance and the night ended with the whole room dancing and - most importantly - happy and smiling and having a great time!

So with the help and support of the excellent Dunstable Rock Choir and their fantastically generousfamily and friends (and a not so subtle Choir Leader trying to get more money out of the audience - a massive thank you Pippa!!!), a brilliant £570 was raised!! Awesome!!

From the Music24 team - Thank you Pippa Gearing, Dunstable Rock Choir and all their wonderful families and friends.

Musical Herts Launch This Week

Musical Herts Launch This Week

Music24 is pleased to announce that we will be launching our new project 'Musical Herts' this week that is taking place in Watford, Stevenage and Hoddesdon.

We were pleased to receive the news from Hertfordshire County Council that our project had been selected from 86 other applicants to start 3 new groups in Herts that help people diagnosed with Dementia and their carers. We have been awarded funding for 6 months from the council's Innovation Fund 2016. 

We have more information about the chosen venues here at www.musicalherts.org.uk.

For information, please download the following leaflets. They're in PDF format and you may need to have Adobe Reader installed on your device in order to access them. 

Musical Herts - General Info

Musical Herts - General Info

Musical Herts - Watford

Musical Herts - Watford

Musical Herts - Stevenage

Musical Herts - Stevenage

Musical Herts - Hoddesdon

Musical Herts - Hoddesdon

Picnic Up The Dunstable Downs

Picnic Up The Dunstable Downs

We put our beloved minibus into action for the first time by taking a trip to the Dunstable Downs last week! We enjoyed a beautiful spread, along with kite-flying and a lovely sing-song for good measure... Can't forget the music, of course! 

Here's some pictures from the day. Thank you to everyone who made it a fantastic first trip out! 

Millie's Muse

Millie's Muse

We're lucky enough to have met a wonderful soul - Millie Smith. Teela met Millie on the acute mental health wards a short while ago and has since been working with Millie after she was discharged around 6/7 weeks ago. Millie writes a beautifully insightful blog about the trials and tribulations of living with Bipolar Disorder. In addition, Millie has therefore written a blog about her experiences working with Music24 so far... Here is a link:

The Incredible Power of Music - with Music24 | The Wandering Soul by Camilla Lucy Smith (aka Millie)

We really hoped you enjoyed the read... We feel blessed to have met you Millie and there's lots of exciting things to come! Its hard to find people who really understand the power of music in the way that you do...! 

NB: Page header picture (above) is Millie performing with the Dunstable Rock Choir.

Millie, Part of the Team

Millie's voice has beauty and power! An exquisite combination! 

Millie's voice has beauty and power! An exquisite combination! 

Smiles all round for an amazing skydive!

Smiles all round for an amazing skydive!

En route to our Skydive last week!  

En route to our Skydive last week! 

A part of the team, Millie helping out with the Columbus Project. 

A part of the team, Millie helping out with the Columbus Project.