Music24 works with Mark De-lisser at #LutonSingsQueen

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Music24 works with Mark De-lisser at #LutonSingsQueen

Music24 was lucky enough to be invited to take part in a local project led by Gail from the Big Music Company. The plan was to create a flashmob in the Mall in Luton, singing Queen’s famous ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ and Pink’s ‘What About Us’. Over the course of a week, our mental health group, ’Mind Our Music’, took part in learning the songs led by talented choral arranger and vocal coach, Mark De-lisser.

The project involved 85 participants local to Luton, most of which hadn’t met eachother before, let alone sung together. Gail and Mark gave the opportunity for people to learn, sing and perform together.

Teela, Music24’s CEO, states: “We are eternally grateful to Gail for this amazing opportunity to work with Mark De-lisser. It offered the members of our mental health group a wonderful opportunity to engage in something that was really special and it connected with everyone in a deep way. Mark’s approach towards singing for all levels and general ethos resonated with everybody in that room and he built a wonderful ‘team’. It was a truly inspirational experience and it was a pleasure to witness.”

WATCH #LutonSingsQueen

Mark conducting the Choir at the Performance in the Mall, Luton

Mark conducting the Choir at the Performance in the Mall, Luton


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Music24 release our Dementia Playlist for #DAW2019


Music24 release our Dementia Playlist for #DAW2019

Here at Music24, we realise the importance of accessing music in our day-to-day lives. Everybody has their own ‘Life’s Playlist’. Whether you use music to chill out to, motivate you to workout or to party to at the weekend, everybody should has a playlist.

For Dementia Action Week, one of our actions is to release our playlist: Music24 Dementia Playlist Songbook 1:

These are by far the most popular songs requested and played in our music therapy sessions. We may add a few or take out the odd one, but this book has been going strong since day one. Our book is bursting at the seams and contains an enormous variety of different genres and styles, ones that hold great meaning and likewise some that are just plain fun… all packed into one book! We cater to an age range of 55 - 90 so there’s hopefully something in there for everyone.

If you’d like to create a playlist, we’d highly recommend Playlist For Life. Support in creating your own playlist can be found here:

Happy DAW2019! Listen and learn from one another’s experience, always. You are the experts in looking after your loved ones. The journey in dementia can be difficult but music is one way that can help. Use it if you can and everyday if possible!


There's a New Project coming to Biggleswade

There's a New Project coming to Biggleswade

Music24 is please to announce the launch of their new pilot project in Biggleswade for adults with Learning Disabilities. The new project, entitled ‘Biggles Rock’ has been seed-funded by funding through the Tesco Bags of Help Scheme. Voting took place in the local Tesco Store in Sandy during Nov-Dec 2018. It was announced in January that Music24 had come 2nd place with their project and had been awarded £2,000 to set the venture up.

Music24 plan to use this funding to help set up a new group offering opportunities for singing, dancing and socialising. The group will take place on a Wednesday afternoon at the Masonic Centre (St Andrew’s Rooms). Music24 are holding taster sessions in the lead up to it’s launch in May 2019.

For more info, call Teela on 07521 248091 or email

Introducing Music24's Musical Memory Lane, Luton

Introducing Music24's Musical Memory Lane, Luton

In November 2018, Music24 gained a new addition to their offer in Luton by joining forces with the volunteers of the Alzheimer’s Society’s ‘Singing for the Brain’ group in Luton. Due to a shortfall in funding, the group was set to potentially close… but after 3 months of discussions, Music24 has happily taken on the group and proudly continue to provide this very valuable and well-received service.

The group, renamed ‘Musical Memory Lane’, continues to run every Tuesday morning at St Andrew’s in Blenheim Crescent.

Call Lin on 07715 634720 for more details and to find out what it’s all about!

Time to Change by Mind Our Music #MHAW2018

Time to Change by Mind Our Music #MHAW2018

Music24 is proud to present a song written called 'Time to Change' by our community music group, 'Mind Our Music' based in Luton. 

It is Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) 2018 and we are pleased to share with you an inspirational song that our group wrote for the #timetochange campaign in Luton, fronted by Jolel Miah from local charity, Our Minds Matter.  A short while ago we were approached by Jolel to write a song for the campaign that focuses on raising awareness and reducing stigma and discrimination of mental health, and this is the result...

The idea, as always, is to keep the conversation flowing and be more open in discussing issues around our mental wellbeing. This year, the MHAW campaign looks at the theme of 'coping with stress' - something that is very important in everybody's daily lives and challenges. Here are some interesting facts about how stress affects us on the larger scale: click here.

MHFA - What is stress?

Stress may seem to be a low-level strain on our daily lives, but we need to take stock of how this impacts on our mental health and the long-term effects it has if it goes unchecked and is poorly managed. The bottom line is that we all need to take better care of ourselves. Everyone has to. Only 'we', ourselves can do this. So if in your day-to-day job you find it difficult to unwind or can't find a moment, nor the motivation, to relax then the long-term impact can be detrimental to your overall life and the lives of the others around us. So this should be acted upon and remedied ASAP. Whether its a meeting at work that's got you in a fluster or you can't put your flat-pack IKEA wardrobe together and you throw the instruction booklet across the room... We ALL get stressed sometimes, over the smallest or most monumental things, and rightfully so.  The key part here is - LOOK AFTER YOURSELF, ultimately this is what we should all be striving for in whatever we choose to do. Pay attention to yourself and your needs. Find something that takes your mind off of things, relieves you of your worries. For some it is sport, listening to music, watching TV, writing, reading... even knitting! Whatever it is, find it and DO IT. Distract your mind momentarily and find a safe place to escape to. If you find it, then you're lucky... you have your own private refuge. Use it whenever you can!

MHAW is sent to highlight all the good things that are happening, but also for us to reflect on what was and what is to be in the future. We hope that MHAW is inspiring, awakening and challenges our perceptions. There is always an opportunity of us to change, grow and learn from one another. Take heed and be mindful that we can all share and empathise in one another's knowledge and experience. Something we can all make use of!! :)


Useful links:

Music24 is coming to Welwyn GC

Music24 is coming to Welwyn GC

We are pleased to inform you that we will be coming to Welwyn Garden City with our Musical Herts project this March!! 

Hertfordshire Community Foundation have funded us to start a new group, bringing our service to a new audience in Herts. The group will take place at The Salvation Army Church Community Room in Cole Green Lane. The group launches in Monday 5th March at 2pm - 3.30pm, and will continue to run on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month, excluding bank holidays. 

Please contact us for more info and to book a space. 

Aviva Community Fund Winner!


Aviva Community Fund Winner!

Music24 is extremely pleased to announce that we have been selected as an Aviva Community Fund winner!!!!! Winning a massive £10k for our Musical Herts, Hoddesdon group!!! 

As you can imagine, we are over the moon at the support we have received from the public as this was a huge nationwide competition that saw us up against some fantastic projects! 

With this funding, Music24 will continue to provide our very popular and well-reiceved sessions in Hoddesdon. 
