Music24’s Podcast
Overview: Hosted by Roman Tula-Coyle, this first episode starts the conversation about where Music24 has been, how it started and where the charity is now. The co-founders, Graeme and Teela, and community musician, Adam, aim to communicate the importance of their approach and ethos behind what they are creating.
Overview: Hosted by the amazing Roman Tula-Coyle. In episode two, the team cover a more in-depth view of the use of music therapy, particularly when going into care homes and working with people with dementia. Graeme, Teela and Adam talk of their experiences and their approach to working in a different environment (compared to their usual ‘community music therapy’ setting) where a lot of the time people are experiencing late-stage dementia, are bed-bound and possibly receiving end-of-life care.
Overview: Hosted by the wonderful Roman Tula-Coyle. In this episode, we go into more detail about the logistics/mechanics of running group music therapy sessions and the team discuss important aspects to be aware of when approaching this type of work. As in most of our content so far, we sidetrack into other realms. Hopefully we don’t lose the listener at these points!
Overview: Hosted by the lovely Roman Tula-Coyle. Roman discusses with Teela, co-founder of Music24, the different aspects of funding, starting up, different types of organisational governance and the need for evidence for projects. Teela also gives advice based on her own experience and some key sources of information if you’re looking to start up your own community venture.
Training, development, support and advice: | | |
Community Foundations:
Local: | | National:
Funding Search Engines: | |
Overview: Hosted by the spectacular Roman Tula-Coyle. In this episode, Roman, Graeme and Teela cover the realms of creativity in today’s society with a particular focus on working with adults with Mental Health illnesses. The team talk about the societal pressures that people face in their pursuit for various things in life and the impact this could have on a person’s wellbeing. We also touch upon the use of music in schools and how lonely people can be at Christmas time.
Overview: Hosted by the fabulous Roman Tula-Coyle. Roman talks with Teela and Graeme again, following on from themes from Episode 5. The team touch upon exploring spirituality, learning about ourselves more and dealing with daily life and challenges. We pay particular attention to change bought about through suffering. Graeme draws on experiences, both professionally and personally, of the role of suffering. “Guru Graeme” leads the discussion. Join in if you have views on the topics discussed by emailing
Overview: Hosted by the talented Roman Tula-Coyle. In this episode, Roman, Teela and Graeme conclude their discussions around societal pressures and the role music can play to alleviate problems/symptoms of mental health illnesses. The team talk about hope and how we can try to help ourselves and others in moving forward. Keep asking questions!
Overview: Hosted by the astounding Roman Tula-Coyle. In this episode, Jenny Moody MBE joins us (as our first ever guest!) to talk about her new project - Luton Independent Dementia Service (LIDS). Jenny talks beautifully, drawing on personal experiences of caring for her late husband, Bert, who had Alzheimer’s Disease. Jenny highlights the challenges she faced during this time, and has developed a new idea that should help people going through a similar situation in the future. For further info or to get involved, please contact Jenny directly on 07768 715303 or email