this gallery features everything that’s being happening during lockdown 2020
Here is a collection of songs, poems and videos, all of which have been contributed by various service users and members of staff.
I Want to Break Free by The Music24 Staff
Butterfly by Pam
Jimi Hendrix by Pam
Autumn Leaf by Fiona
Tantra Mix
This music was inspired by a Mantra created during our Mind Our Music group during the early stages of lockdown. Chill out to this mix, inspired by Fiona, created by Graeme.
Mind Our Music Lockdown Song
Here is Tom’s take on a song that our Mind Our Music group wrote during the early stages of the lockdown. This was one of three that Tom put together and he calls this the Irish style version.
Making music is proving to be very difficult online which is what this group’s particular focus usually is. However we have managed to keep our creative juices flowing by running songwriting activities with this group. More will feature in this gallery over time for this incredibly talented and creative group.
Singing with Party Pat
Pat is a natural-born performer and is really missing his support groups - before the lockdown, he attended 6 every week. Now he is able to access weekly music sessions with Music24 via Zoom and through these 1:1 sessions with Teela.
Prior to the lockdown restrictions being more severely imposed, we did social-distancing sing alongs in Pat’s garden. It’s safe to say they’ve been popular amongst other service users and beyond. The best thing is that these videos help others with dementia to engage in the music and sing along with their own songbooks at home!
Using sound in new ways is always something we like to try…
Pam’s Poetry
Pam has shown her brilliant poetry skills during lockdown. Here are a few of her works, inspired by sessions during the lockdown.
#SongADay Top 5
Teela posted a Song A Day for 12 weeks during the lockdown! Here are the top 5 as viewed on Facebook.