Quote from Teela: I had so much fun doing a Song A Day for everybody. People told me it brightened their day. I first started using Smule, a karaoke App, which was fun but eventually I missed playing the guitar. Soon after using Garage Band to share my music, I started layering the songs with harmonies which was a great learning curve for me. Please enjoy!
No. 1
I’ll Be there For You (Friends Theme Song) by the Rembrandts
Having been a long-time hardcore Friends fan, this was hugely fun for me to do. It took me back to my gigging/busking days, before the days of Music24, which I have grown to miss over the last few months though doing the #SongADay series. It’s helped me to reignite my passion for performing.
No. 2
Fix You by Coldplay
This song means a lot to most people. I can only say one thing - I wish we could fix people.
No. 3
Revelry by Kings of Leon
This was the first of the Facebook series, after using Smule. Not the most popular song choice necessarily but this new outlet grabbed people’s attention I suppose!
No. 4
Three Little Birds by Bob Marley.
A popular song in all our sessions, this song is like Music24’s anthem! This was one of the first songs layering with harmonies. It was very fun to make indeed!
No. 5
One Day Like This by Elbow
I dedicated this song to Katie & John Ley, daughter/father and a family that we support, after they sent me a video of them performing a contemporary dance piece to this song. It was beautiful, heartfelt and inspirational to witness. I actually cried.